Social Media Budgets for 2011

A recent study indicates that many companies are now making room for social media planning in their corporate budgets. In fact, King Fish Media says a whopping 72 percent of American businesses polled now have a budget for social media marketing strategy. As we prepare to enter the final quarter of 2010 and ready ourselves for 2011, are you making room for a social media marketing strategy in your budget?

In the June 2010 study, King Fish and its partners found that 75 percent of the companies with a social strategy said they planned to increase their marketing budget investment in the coming year. (For more on this study, visit Social Media Today.)

Entering the world of social media doesn’t have to be a frightening process. Maverick Public Relations has developed a systematic approach that will help clients identify their brand, or reestablish their marketing message, and identify why they matter in a noisy market place. We can do that through social media and traditional media relations.

To help, we’re willing to offer a complimentary consultation. We’ll help you navigate what may feel like pounding waves of information that never seem to cease. We’ll aid you in finding the approach that will carry you to a successful transition to the vast ocean that is social media marketing.